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Classification and use of silicon metal

Silicon metal has a very wide range of applications in the steelmaking industry. In which industries is silicon metal used? What is the difference between silicon metal 553 and 441? Hensfate metal shares the details for you as follows:

Metallic silicon is also called crystalline silicon or industrial silicon, and its main use is as an additive for non-ferrous alloys. Metallic silicon is a product smelted from quartz and coke in an electric furnace. The main component of silicon is about 98% (in recent years, 99.99% of Si is also contained in metallic silicon). The remaining impurities are iron and aluminum,Calcium, etc.


Classification of silicon metal grades:
In my country, metallic silicon is usually classified according to the content of three main impurities, iron, aluminum, and calcium. According to the percentage content of iron, aluminum and calcium in metallic silicon, metallic silicon can be divided into different grades such as 553, 441, 411, 421, 3303, 3305, 2202, 2502, 1501, and 1101. 
(About the source of the metal silicon number: the first and second codes are the percentage content of iron and aluminum, and the third and fourth two digits represent the content of calcium).

For example: 553 represents that the content of iron, aluminum, and calcium is 5%, 5%, and 3%; 
3303 represents that the content of iron, aluminum, and calcium is 3%, 3%, and 0.3%.

Silicon metal use:

Metallic silicon is industrially purified elemental silicon, which is mainly used for the production of organic silicon, the preparation of high-purity semiconductor materials, and the preparation of alloys for special purposes.

Most modern large-scale integrated circuits that manufacture high-purity semiconductors are made of high-purity metal silicon, and high-purity metal silicon is also the main raw material for the production of optical fibers. It can be said that metal silicon has become a basic pillar industry in the information age.


Silicon metal is widely used in metallurgy, chemical, electronics and other industries. In the metallurgy industry, it is mainly used as an additive for non-ferrous alloys. When silicon is added to certain non-ferrous metals, it can improve the strength, hardness and wear resistance of the base metal, and sometimes can also enhance the casting performance and welding performance of the base. Silicon is widely used in aluminum alloy and aluminum profile industries. Silicon metal is mainly used in the chemical industry to produce silicon-based compounds, such as silane, silicone, organosilicon, and silicone oil. Silicon can also be used to make semiconductor silicon, make silicon ceramics, silicon carbide, silicon nitride, and so on.

The above is the classification method and use of metallic silicon grades. For more knowledge about metallic silicon related products, please feel free to consult us.


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