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Elevated Demand For Silicon Metal In Photovoltaics

Silicon metal is purified and can be used as a raw material for the photovoltaic industry, and the demand for silicon metal in the photovoltaic industry is currently rising year by year. In China, Xinjiang is an important industrial base for the development of photovoltaic power generation and wind power generation, and according to statistics, in 2016, only 60% of new energy power in Xinjiang was traded through market-based transactions, and this proportion is expected to continue to rise as the government has introduced policies to remove restrictions on market-based transactions of new energy power.

In the government policy and market stimulation, new energy power year-on-year or 40% growth, 30% of the household electricity will all use a new energy power supply, and the current new energy power mainly relies on solar power, wind power development, bioelectricity generation and other technologies, silicon metal as an important raw material for the photovoltaic industry, the demand will be further enhanced.

The independent report on climate and energy released by the international community shows that the EU generated a record amount of electricity in June and July, accounting for 10% of the EU's total electricity production. The data shows that the EU generated nearly 39 terawatts (TWh) of solar power, an increase of 10.9 TWh over the same period in 2018. In eight EU member states, including Spain and Germany, solar power generation set a record high for the country, and the EU intends to increase renewable energy generation to 40 percent of final electricity by 2030, with a share of nearly 19 percent in 2019.

With the continuous development of the photovoltaic industry on silicon metal and other raw materials demand is also rising year by year, but this year, subject to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and silicon metal raw materials, electricity prices, new crown virus, and other adverse factors, silicon metal market prices rose once, the price broke through a new record high, the current market silicon metal transactions are mainly based on inquiries, more buyers on the price of a wait-and-see attitude.


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