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The market is weak and the price of 97 silicon is temporarily stable

So far, 97 silicon metal downstream customers have basically released their orders. The factories have recently reported that the number of inquiries and purchases has declined. Some factories have received orders until the middle of this month. Therefore, the current external quotations for silicon metal are basically in a stable state. The price of silicon metal has been in a decline stage. Due to the large price difference between the price of silicon metal and 97 silicon due to the lack of communication in the early stage, some customers have switched to purchasing 97 silicon.

It is understood that when traders have stocks, they basically focus on consumption. Under the circumstance that the market is not clear, there is less phenomenon of stockpiling in the overall market. With the reduction of profits, the 97 silicon factories that continued to switch from ferrosilicon to production decreased. It is expected that the short-term price trend of 97 silicon will still be weak and stable.


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