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The role of silicon in the process of aluminum alloy die casting

Metal silicon is usually added in the aluminum ingot casting process. Why do you want to add it? The following metal silicon manufacturers will share with you the effect of adding silicon metal in the aluminum casting process. I hope it will be helpful to you;

  • Adding silicon can increase fluidity. This function is mainly aimed at underfilling at very low pressure such as gravity casting. In fact, there is not much difference between alloys filled with or without silicon at a filling pressure exceeding 1 MPa. In today's die-casting process, the filling pressure can exceed 100MPa, and the alloy with the worst fluidity does not have the difficulty of insufficient filling.
  • It can reduce the phase transformation volume shrinkage of the "liquid-solid" phase. According to many experiments, aluminum alloys with a silicon content of about 20% can achieve almost no change in the phase transformation volume. Therefore, if it is an aluminum piston used in high temperature applications, it will generally be an alloy with a relatively high silicon content. Because of the essential characteristics of the die-casting process, it is a unidirectional high-pressure and high-strength filling type casting and does not have the function of reverse feeding. This is where it has a completely different process characteristic of reverse feeding and filling type from low-pressure casting and gravity casting. It is for this reason that the industry deliberately formulates a relatively low phase change shrinkage rate, and the silicon content is as high as possible, specifically for the aluminum alloy grades that cannot be reversely fed by the die-casting process.
  • I hope that the above introduction about the role of metal silicon in the aluminum ingot casting process can help you, and you can consult us at any time for more questions about metal silicon.


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