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The silicon metal manufacturer takes you to learn more about the relevant knowledge of silicon metal

What is the silicon metal?

Metallic silicon, also known as crystalline silicon or industrial silicon, is mainly used as an additive for non-ferrous alloys. Metallic silicon is a product smelted from quartz and coke in an electric furnace. The main component of silicon is about 98% (in recent years, 99.99% of Si is also contained in metallic silicon). The remaining impurities are iron and aluminum. , Calcium, etc.

Uses of silicon metal:

Silicon is used in large quantities to be smelted into ferrosilicon alloy as an alloying element in the iron and steel industry, and as a reducing agent in the smelting of many metals. Silicon is also a good component in aluminum alloys, and most cast aluminum alloys contain silicon. Silicon is the raw material of ultra-pure silicon in the electronics industry. Electronic devices made of ultra-pure semiconductor monocrystalline silicon have the advantages of small size, light weight, good reliability and long life.

Why is the current era called the silicon era?

At the 7th International Conference on Crystalline Silicon Production, scientists called the current era the silicon era. Why is silicon mentioned in such a high position? This is because the world today is moving from the industrial age to the information age. In the industrial age, steel is the leader, so the amount of steel production marks a country's economic and military strength. In the information age, the semiconductor material-silicon is the leader. There are many types of semiconductor materials that can be used, but there are not many types of industrial production, mainly silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide and gallium phosphide, among which silicon accounts for about 90% of the total output of semiconductor materials. This is why people call the present era the silicon era.

Silicon metal classification:

The classification of metallic silicon is usually classified according to the content of the three main impurities of iron, aluminum and calcium contained in the metallic silicon component. According to the content of iron, aluminum and calcium in silicon metal, silicon metal can be divided into different grades such as 553, 441, 411, 421, 3303, 3305, 2202, 2502, 1501, and 1101.
Industrially, metallic silicon is usually made by reducing silicon dioxide with carbon in an electric furnace. The chemical reaction equation: SiO2 + 2C → Si + 2CO The purity of silicon obtained in this way is 97~98%, which is called metallic silicon. It is melted and recrystallized, and the impurities are removed with acid to obtain metallic silicon with a purity of 99.7-99.8%.

I hope that the silicon metal related knowledge shared by the silicon metal manufacturer can help you. If you have any product-related questions, you can consult us at any time


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