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What are the specific uses of metal silicon powder?

Metal silicon powder is a powder made by grinding metal silicon. The good quality metal silicon powder has a uniform particle size and the use effect is very good. There are many uses for metal silicon. Why use metal silicon powder? In fact, metal silicon powder is compared with metal silicon. Natural block has many advantages, below hensfate metal, you will share the specific advantages of metal silicon powder in detail.

What are the specific advantages of metal silicon powder?

  1. Deoxidation

Metal silicon powder contains a certain amount of silicon, which can produce silica by the affinity of oxygen, and reduce the reactivity during smelting while deoxidizing, making deoxidation safer!

si metal powder

Second, the application of silicone industry

Metal silicon powder can participate in the synthesis of organic silicon polymer, and good quality silicon monomer, silicon rubber, silicone oil and other products can be produced through metal silicon powder!

Three, high temperature resistance

Metal silicon powder can be used in the production of refractory materials and powder metallurgy industries. Adding metal silicon powder during smelting can quickly improve the high temperature resistance of the product, which is usually required by the steelmaking industry!

silicon metal powder

Fourth, wear resistance

In the production of some wear-resistant castings, the use of metal silicon powder can also improve the wear resistance of the castings to a certain extent. The use of metal silicon powder can effectively improve the life and quality of the castings!

  1. Application in metallurgical casting industry

Metal silicon powder can be used as a deoxidizer, alloy additive, etc. during steelmaking, and the effect is very significant. At the same time, metal silicon powder can also be used as an inoculant in the production of castings.

silicon metal poeders

After understanding the advantages of metal silicon powder, many purchasers said that they did not know that there are so many applications for small metal silicon powder. The previous use of metal silicon powder caused a lot of waste. Use metal silicon powder correctly. Disguised form is also to reduce smelting costs;


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