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what is silicon metal used for?

silicon metal is widely used in our daily life as well as in industry.

silicon metal is composed of quartz and coke in the electric furnace smelting products, principal components of silicon content in (left and right in recent years, with volume like in silicon metal), remaining impurities in iron, aluminum, calcium etc..

One of the purposes of metal silicon: metal ceramics, the important material of the space navigation.

The metal silicon and metal sintering, made of metal ceramic composite material, it is resistant to high temperature, toughness, can be cut, not only inherited the metal and ceramics of their respective advantages, but also make up for the inherent defects of both.   can be applied to the manufacture of military weapons in the first space shuttle, Columbia, can withstand high speed through the dense atmosphere of the high temperature friction generated by its thirty-one thousand pieces of silicon tiles to fight the shell.

Metal silicon uses two: high purity metal silicon is an important semiconductor material. The incorporation of small amount of IIIApVA256 telephone, also without electricity, magnetic interference, not afraid of eavesdropping, with a high degree of confidentiality.

Three of the use of metal silicon: silicon organic compounds with excellent performance.

For example, silicone plastic is an excellent waterproof coating material. In the subway walls silicone spray, can solve the problem of water seepage. In ancient artifacts, sculptures appearance, a thin layer of silicone coated plastic, can prevent breeding moss, resist wind and rain and weathering.

The above is the specific difference between silicon carbide alloy and ferrosilicon, and the use of silicon metal that Hanst gold shares for you.  I hope this is helpful to you, for steel making and casting ferroalloy products, you can contact us at any time, all the staff of our factory will serve you wholeheartedly!  


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